Useful Links and Forms
Last Modified on May 4, 2023
Accounts Payable Q & A
Effective, January 1, 2017, the current mileage rate is $ 0.535 cents per mile.
Travel Reimbursement forms are found on our website:
No one can approve their own travel - Reimbursement request must also be signed by their supervisor.
In State - for any travel outside of Cabarrus county has to be signed by the employee and their supervisor.
Out of State - has to also be signed by Dr. Lowder.
Checks are printed every Wednesday with the exceptions of holidays, and released the following Monday afternoon.
Checks are mailed on Mondays for the previous check run.
Friday is the deadline for ALL accounts payable requests.
EP vendors - fill in all information including:
First screen: ATTN: under address
Second screen: Title: & Deliver To
Third screen: Commodity Code, and if necessary the State Contract info (Term Contract: T and Contract ID: # from the State Contact site), for each line item
Using the requisition copy as a cover sheet - send a copy of the list (for over 25 items), quotes or bids (three if the item is over $2,000), and Prior Approval forms for registrations, air fare and rental cars to Connie Hahn at fax# 704-262-6225. You are responsible for faxing the list to the vendor once the PO is approved. For an EP vendor write a 13 in front of the PO # that is printed on your goldenrod copy.
Equipment items under $5,000 use the Object Code .461 (Non-Capitalized Equipment)
Computers and related under $5,000 use .462 (Non-Capitalized Computer Equipment)
If per item cost for equipment is over $5,000 use the Object Code .541 (Non-Capitalized Equipment)
If per item cost for computers and related is over $5,000 use .542 (Non-Capitalized Computer Equipment). If all components on the requisition are required to operate the computer or smartboard, and the total is over $5,000, use .542.
Always check your F2 screen under Budget Inquiry to verify your balance.
Click on Term Contracts
Under Statewide Contracts click on either:
Alphabetical/Key Word Listing or Numerical Listing
From our website under Accounts Payable Useful Links click on:
How to Search Purchase & Contract by Keyword
State Contract is constantly changing. This is a good place to scroll down and to become familiar with what is currently on State Contract. You will not have to get bids for items over $2,000 if they are on State Contract.
Even though State Contract #s match up with commodity code #s – vendors can be either State Contract or E-Procurement or both. If the vendor is both EP and State Contract you will need to fill in the State Contract information on the third screen of an EP purchase order. Change N to T for Term Contract and type in the Contract ID # from the State Contact site for each line item.
Looking a vendor up under the EP vendor search is helpful because the site includes all the commodities codes for this vendor. You can view this from:
The new Commodity Code list from EP is Alphabetical by product category:
Always use a code that begins with “9” for service or labor and remove the tax on that line item.
Required documentation for new vendors to be added to LINQ:
1. An inquiry email from the school treasurer
2. A completed Vendor Application
3. A completed Vendor W9 Form
4. A completed Vendor ACH Form (ACH information for each vendor is required as we are no longer mailing checks.)
When a new vendor needs to be added to LINQ, it is the school treasurer’s responsibility to ensure that AP receives all required documentation that is listed above. Cabarrus County Schools does not accept vendor originated solicitations. New vendors come from internal requests via school treasurers.
The school treasurer should send the vendor a blank copy of the Vendor Application, W9 Form, and ACH Form (all located in the IDrive) to complete. Once the treasurer receives all completed documentation an email with the completed documentation should be sent to the Accounts Payable email address asking that the vendor be set up in LINQ. This email will suffice as the “inquiry email” from the school treasurer.
After reviewing the documentation carefully, Accounts Payable will let the treasurer know when the vendor has been added to LINQ.
The copier costs for April - June are paid from the next fiscal year budget. 4th quarter charges are paid after July 1st.
No one can approve their own travel - Local mileage reimbursement request must also be signed by their supervisor.
As of October 1, 2011, the current tax rate is 7.0%. The breakdown will be 4.75% State and 2.25% County.