Eligibility & Requirements
Candidates must have three or more years of teaching experience in addition to the requirements posted below to apply.
Extended Reach Teacher 1 (ERT1)
Extended Reach Teacher 2 (ERT2)
AND 1 of the below:
Extended Reach Teacher 3 (ERT3)
AND 1 of the below:
Multi-Classroom Leader 1 (MCL1)
AND 1 of the below:
Multi-Classroom Leader 2 (MCL2)
AND 1 of the below:
EVAAS Alternative-3rd Grade Math Teachers
Due to 3rd Grade Math being a state-tested subject but not having EVAAS, we have developed an EVAAS alternative when applying for the CCS ATR Talent Pool. This is for 3rd Grade Math teachers ONLY.
The plan is as follows:
You will need to submit a screenshot or PDF of the data. Your School Name, Subject, Teacher Name, Class/Report Group, and Comparison Diagnostic must show on the screenshot or PDF.
Role Eligibility: Applicants may qualify for multiple roles with a single application. The review team will consider all applicant materials and determine eligibility. A candidate who is deemed eligible for ERT3 is also eligible for ERT1 and ERT2. A candidate eligible for MCL1 is also eligible for all ERT levels. School prinicpals and HR Leadership will determine what position levels are available based on funding, allotments, and approved school plan for ATR. A candidate may accept a lower position than overall eligibility (i.e. may accept an ERT2 position even though eligible for up to ERT3). Candidates will only be eligible for roles within their respective licensure areas.
Responsibilities: ERTs must directly instruct and claim responsibility (PowerSchool and EVAAS) for the designated percent increase from the teacher’s previous year total student caseload. This is legislative defination that must be met in order to recieve stipend reimbursement from the state. In order to be eligible for state reimbursement, the ERT must be on a coaching caseload of an MCL in the same building.
MCLs are responsible for carrying a coaching caseload of the designated number of teachers by level. The caseload may be made up of a grade-level or band, PLC, or combination of teachers with support needs within the MCLs eligibility/licensure area. MCLs must share responsibility for the performance of the students of all teachers on the coaching caseload (including designated EVAAS percentage). MCLs must work in the classroom providing direct instruction for 30% of the instructional day in order to be eligible for state reimbursement.
EVAAS: EVAAS performance is an automatic qualifier and could remove the need for the candidate to submit a data portfolio. EVAAS submissions must be internally confirmed. Relevant EVAAS data could be from 2017-18 SY to present. SYs 17-18, 18-19, 21-22, 22-23, 23-24. Candidates will qualify for roles within the grade band and content area of EVAAS submissions. For example, if a candidate submits EVAAS history for 4th grade reading, the candidate will be eligible to accept positions supporting K-5 Reading/ELA. Candidates cannot qualify for higher level roles with multiple content area submissions.
Data Portfolio: Data Portfolio should include a narrative explanation, 4 data sources, and baseline data to which you are comparing your students and shows that you achieved one or more percentile points above the school and/or district achievement data on any of the following subjects: math, science, ELA. Data Portfolio options include: Amplify K-3 Literacy Assessment, iREADY Grades 1-5 Diagnostic Assessment of Reading or Math, District Benchmarks, student surveys about classroom or teacher effectiveness such as Panorama, past/current coaching caseload performance, and/or looping proficiency increases. For your data portfolio, you may use data exclusively from the current school year and the previous school year.
Instructional Leadership Professional Learning (IL PL): 10 hours = 1 CEU
Candidates must submit professional development credit transcripts or have internally verifiable participation. Relevant instructional leadership professional learning could include but is not limited to CCS Teacher Leader Cohort courses, CCS Educator Leadership Series, Relay, Get Better Faster, UnboundEd Standards Institute, Queens Executive Coaching Academy.
Summative Evaluations: Candidates must submit summative/summary evaluation in NCEES (or equivalent) for 2 of the last 3 years. Candidate must demonstrate designated summary evaluation ratings (i.e. 2 years of proficient or above on all five standards for ERT1; 3 years of accomplished or above on 3 of the 5 standards for MCL2).
Recommendation: The candidate's current or former principal (or AP for ERT1 & ERT2) must submit a recommendation form as part of the application process.